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A contemplation for you...

​I am talking from my beingness to yours…

What if life is benevolent at its core, beyond all appearances and ‘evidence’ of the contrary?
What if life is on your side, supporting, and nurturing, and loving?
What if being gentle to yourself is more powerful than trying to find and fix the ‘flaws’?
What if the existential design is there to support you, not to make you ‘suffer’?
What if mind and thoughts are not the ultimate reference point but rather a filter that could be changed (you do try to clean your furnace filters regularly, what about a 'perception filter'? :)  Do you notice how it affects your relationship with Life and Self?

Consider those questions, notice how they make you feel…

Just pause for a moment breathe…smile… consider the fact that you exist and are able to entertain those questions-possibilities. Aren’t you lucky?
Sending you much love… take a moment to receive it, Beautiful Being. Smile…  

About Yana

Do you want to live your life from the place of confidence, clarity and contentment? To stop worrying yourself sick about the scary unknown future and what can go wrong?  To stop re-living (in your mind) the  painful experiences of the past?  To release stress and anxiety and notice that your life is worth living?  To get clarity on what is really important to you, what matters, and be able to actualize that in your daily reality?


When you know how to connect to underlying essence of life and stay connected, you get to access peace, fulfillment and inspiration beyond what you ever imagined is possible. 


Yana helps her clients to access the true nature of their Being, which is beyond the suffering, the challenges and the stories we're constantly telling ourselves.


Yana is a transformational coach and workshop facilitator passionate about empowering women and helping them to move through transition in their life, career or relationship with maximum ease and grace possible.

She is a certified meditation facilitator and a long-time qi-gong practitioner, deeply interested in exploring and maximizing human potential and experiencing true meaning of life.  Yana is also a certified accountant with over 18 years of successful international corporate career in financial services and  a mother of two active boys.

Such a diverse background allows Yana to combine spirituality, intuition and guided meditations with systematic step-by-step approach to support her clients in releasing overwhelm,  gaining confidence and creating more fulfilled and joyful life.

I am here to see your  beauty and reflect it back to you so you can know your own magnificence...

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